One of the most important and relevant adventures
for me, happened in 2012, when I was ending 6th of primary. All my mates and our
teachers travelled to "La Seu d'Urgell" for 3 days to enjoy together
the end of school; because the next year we would go to the high school and
we would stay in different classes. The first day we went to the nautical club to
do rafting and kayak, it was a real madness. The second day, and the last for
me, we climbing and descend for the “Tubbies” in the slopes of “El Port del
Comte”. We stayed all the morning in the snow,
and finished the activities, we had lunch. After eating, we have to return to the
hotel, which was about 1200 meters away, walking in the woods. The way was narrow
and dirty, full of big stones, leaves and shrubbery. We were bored, so we
decided to make a race, while others were walking peacefully. What nonsense,
right? We started to run locally, very excited. I was the first, but the others
were brushing my shoes. I continued rushing without stopping. To check the
rivalry, I turned my head, losing sight of the way… A branch blocked my path
and I fell sharply; unlucky my arm hit a small rock. I stood up
courageously, but my arm ached a lot and it didn’t respond me. Something was
terribly wrong!! My left arm was totally deformed...